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We are Queens. At Queen's Quarters there are items that can be used in your palace or sanctuary. We have items for you, your space, and your King. We as women must know who we are, whose we are and who we represent. Once you have the answer to those questions you can begin on your journey to begin your walk as a Queen in the Kingdom of God The Most High Yahuah (Father), Yahusha (Son), and The Ruach HaQodesh (The Holy Spirit).


Queen's Quarter's 2 is a shelter for women. The idea came from God and He has allowed me to steward the dream.We are located in New Jersey. We help to uplift women in their valleys, rough areas of their journey by supplying help. Help would be a safe environment, shelter, food, wisdom, clothing, love, and help with placement in work or school. If you would like to make a donation for this cause please go to the donation page.


Remember God's Word,

Verily I say unto you in-so-much as you have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren you have done it unto me.


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